May 2020 Calendar and Lessons
Snowbunny Daily Schedule
Hello all! We were thinking it would be helpful for you to see what a typical day in the Classroom looks like. We added some notes on how you can help promote this schedule and routines at home to keep up consistency during this time.
7:30am Little Red Schoolhouse Opens
7:30 – 9:30am Morning Work Time and Arrival to School
- Art Activities are usually incorporated during this time… you can find Art projects to do at home on the classroom Weebly page
9:30am Clean Up, Toileting and Hand-washing
- Make sure you keep washing those hands again and again!!
9:45am Morning Snack
10:00am Morning Circle Time
- Weekly (rotating days) at 10am the Snowbunny Teachers will host a “Virtual Circle”
- On other days feel free to watch the daily “Morgan and Friends” or other videos, lessons or songs found on our Weebly page
10:15 – 11:30am Work Time
- Children work independently or in small groups during this time
- We often focus on small group Math lessons or Language lessons
- Working on refining and strengthening Fine Motor skills by the use of coloring/drawing, cutting with scissors, and practical life projects
11:30am Clean Up, Toileting and Hand-washing
- Keep on washing those hands… all day long
1:45am Lunch Circle
- Take a look at any videos or songs we use on our page
- Or take this time to do your own reading and singing with your child
12:00pm Lunch
- We all eat together at school, even the teachers! We encourage you to sit down as a family and make the most of meal times with your little ones.
- We also use glass cups/”real cups” (no sippy cups or straw cups) during our meal times… we encourage you to have your child use one at home too!
12:45pm Outside Time
- Make sure your child is showing you how they can get dressed ALL by themselves… with some assistance!
1:45pm-4:00pm Nap Time
4:00pm Wake Up
- Kiddos who wake earlier are given quiet activities to engage in while their friends continue to rest, if your child is struggling with nap at home, we encourage you to have quiet rest time.
4:15pm Afternoon Snack
4:30pm – 5:30pm Afternoon Activities
5:30pm Little Red Schoolhouse Close
7:30am Little Red Schoolhouse Opens
7:30 – 9:30am Morning Work Time and Arrival to School
- Art Activities are usually incorporated during this time… you can find Art projects to do at home on the classroom Weebly page
9:30am Clean Up, Toileting and Hand-washing
- Make sure you keep washing those hands again and again!!
9:45am Morning Snack
10:00am Morning Circle Time
- Weekly (rotating days) at 10am the Snowbunny Teachers will host a “Virtual Circle”
- On other days feel free to watch the daily “Morgan and Friends” or other videos, lessons or songs found on our Weebly page
10:15 – 11:30am Work Time
- Children work independently or in small groups during this time
- We often focus on small group Math lessons or Language lessons
- Working on refining and strengthening Fine Motor skills by the use of coloring/drawing, cutting with scissors, and practical life projects
11:30am Clean Up, Toileting and Hand-washing
- Keep on washing those hands… all day long
1:45am Lunch Circle
- Take a look at any videos or songs we use on our page
- Or take this time to do your own reading and singing with your child
12:00pm Lunch
- We all eat together at school, even the teachers! We encourage you to sit down as a family and make the most of meal times with your little ones.
- We also use glass cups/”real cups” (no sippy cups or straw cups) during our meal times… we encourage you to have your child use one at home too!
12:45pm Outside Time
- Make sure your child is showing you how they can get dressed ALL by themselves… with some assistance!
1:45pm-4:00pm Nap Time
4:00pm Wake Up
- Kiddos who wake earlier are given quiet activities to engage in while their friends continue to rest, if your child is struggling with nap at home, we encourage you to have quiet rest time.
4:15pm Afternoon Snack
4:30pm – 5:30pm Afternoon Activities
5:30pm Little Red Schoolhouse Close